Artista: Nuke Something
Album: They wanna catch us
Sello/Label: Hereje Skillz
Referencia: [HS045]
Año: 2015
Genero: Rap, Hardcore, Electronic

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Artista: Nuke Something
Álbum: They wanna catch us
Sello/Label: Hereje Skillz
Referencia: [HS045]
Año: 2015
Género: Hardcore, Rap, Electronic
Tracks: 06
Duración: 00:23:28


01-Brown Sugar
03-Cherry Blood
04-Splash (Nuke Mix)
05-Saving Private Meg Ryan
06-Splash (Monkey Mix)

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THEY WANNA CATCH US is the dark and explosive debut of NUKE SOMETHING, mixing hardcore, rap, rave music, folklore, a bunch of pop culture, thrasher ideas and slapstick humor. Nuke the whales, nuke the mother earth, nuke your nation, nuke your people, NUKE YOURSELF.

All songs music by Nuke Something, excepts “Cherry Blood” produced by Tony Pantano and “Splash (Monkey Mix)” produced by The Fucking Monkey Hand.
Guitar by Tony “Reaggetony” Pantano.
Lyrics by C.H.U.D. 3 & The Fucking Monkey Hand.
Samples, Programming & Arranged by Pizza Dracula.
“Brown Sugar” contains samples from “Olé” by Azucar Moreno and “Saeta Jerezana por Seguiriya” by La Paquera de Jerez.
“Saving Private Meg Ryan” idea inspired on “Somos de calle” by Daddy Yankee.
Live arrangements & sound by Javi Largal.
Recorded, Engineered & Mixed at Pussylandia (2014-15) by Sir Lick a Lot.
Art Design by Anasaka. Managed by ours nutz.

This work is under a Creative Commons License (BY-NC-ND). Published by Hereje Skillz (2015).